Thursday, February 22, 2018

Explaining the existence of this blog

This was called for...

Image result for picture of someone happy in a field
A generic picture of someone "living their life" courtesy gettyimages

A while ago, last semester, I published a survey on what people are afraid of, when it comes to the topic of death; and who or what would they miss the most/regret before their last breath. As it turns out, by sending out this survey on groups, I appeared suicidal in the eyes of the Res-Life Coordinators, who requested several meetings to comfort me and stop me from killing myself.

While I appreciate their concern, their attitude towards my survey worries me slightly. For asking my peers what scares them about death, I wished to get in a conversation that would aid their fears – allowing them to live more freely and realize that the inevitable is nothing to be afraid of, let alone hamper your present.

This survey was also supposed to encourage a thought of making the best of your life. Several individuals, in the survey, confessed their regrets and the need to express their feelings or do something one last time. To the reader of this blog, I request you to live! The intention of this blog is to reduce your inhibitions and live life to the fullest! In no way do I intend to desensitize you to the importance of life, but reduce the intimidating gleam of death that shadows most of our actions.

For those who answered “I will miss my dog”, I urge you to facetime them tonight. For those who would miss their parents, text them before you go to bed. For those who want to travel while they can – save up and plan! Work towards the fulfillment of your life, motivated by the possibility of death.

I was eventually put in front of a board, to assess my mental stability (sigh). They assessed my reasoning behind having a blog such as this. Having understood that this was done with good intentions and not to incite suicidal tendencies in my peers because ‘I myself might have it too’ (yes, they thought as well), they finally let me be.

I am happy with my life, and living it to the fullest (I have at least one dessert a day). I hope you do too.

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